Pilu at Freshwater
The perils of high expectations.
After a near-perfect experience at Berowra Waters Inn, one could not help but set high expectations for this fellow two-hat restaurant. A string of good reviews. The setting of a beautiful heritage Federation beach house. The glistening views of Freshwater beach, one of my favourites in Sydney. And the promise of a delicious Sardinian fare.
Unfortunately, we left Pilu feeling a bit underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, the dishes were good, not great but certainly not bad. Having said that, none was outstanding either. Not even the Giovanni Pilu's signature suckling pig dish. Skin was crispy as advertised, but be warned of the thick layer of pork fat underneath. Too greasy in fact that we could not finish it - definitely a first for us during a degustation!
The use of salt was also a bit heavy-handed in some of the courses. And if the dessert had been more spectacular, perhaps all would have been forgiven.
Roasted scampi with sea urchin butter
Bread rolls were fantastic though
Ravioli of potato, mint and Pecorino served with butter, sage and black truffle
Fregola with tomato and cured meat ragu
Palate cleanser - green apple sorbet
Snapper fillet with Vernaccia and green olives
Oven roasted suckling pig, served on the bone with condiments
Sardinian fried pastry filled with ricotta and served with orange blossom honey
End of Moore Rd,
Harbord Beach,
02 9938 3331

20 comment(s):
Stunning photos, though foodwink!
SSG xxx
the Ravioli and Scampi look pretty good though. i'm sure i'd be happy eating those. i love the new photo layout look your doing. looks great! i have food blog envy now :-). the moral of the story — never have too high expectations i guess.
what a shame.. the location and photos were stunning though
Yeah, even if the food was not up to standards, your photos make them look delightful!
What a shame...although you couldn't fault them on presentation! Having said that, it all comes down to taste, right?
The food and your photos look outstanding! Too bad it didn't live up to your expectations.
Would you mind checking out my blog? :D ajscookingsecrets.blogspot.com
you have a brilliant eye for photography! Sad about the meal lacking but the pics make me want to go!
I've never been to the big house although I frequent the cafe quite a bit. The pork goes very well in a sandwich! Shame it didn't live up to expectations, maybe it was an off day? LOve your photos (as everyone else has said :))
Not this restaurant but I recently went to a three-hat one and left feeling underwhelmed as well… The photos are so beautiful!
We had the opposite experience of you - we adored Pilu and thought it was fabulous but left Berowra Waters Inn totally underwhelmed. I guess it really depends on what your expectations are - we thought BWI was really overpriced for what we got and we adored the suckling pig at Pilu. I agree with one point though - the dessert at Pilu could be a bit more special, but it is traditionally Sardinian.
Yes, I've had that same underwhelmed feeling at Pilu before as well. I loved it the first time but the second time wasn't as great. Still, that view on a sunny day is perfect!
Well at least your photos make the food seem amazing! Damn food porn :P
Yes, I totally understand the issue with the suckling pig. It gets worse as the dish cools! eek..
What a shame that you didn't leave thrilled :( Your photos are stunning though! I went to Berowra Waters Inn and was so impressed there too!
Wow, those are amazing photos. I love the seemingly random ones of the windows and light fixtures. Gorgeous.
what? is that it? 6 courses for a dego doesn't seem like much. was it priced accordingly? the scampi looks nice although i have to agree. too much salt can really kill a meal. i experienced the same problem at movida. well that and bad service, extra things on the bill etc etc.
looks all so yummy, want to eat it all haha
Incredible photos, and the food does look amazing, even if the taste was a bit of a let down.
Great article about food, meet and bakery. Lot of information is given in this article good effort.
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